BIW Welding fixture manufacturer

Manual spot welding fixture

robotic cell for automotive seat

We at CYCLOTRON Automation are BIW welding fixture manufacturer in Pune, India. Robotic/manual spot welding fixtures for automotive, commercial vehicles, and heavy truck industries. Our industrial robotic/manual lines are used as part of the body-in-white (BIW) assembly welding process for automobiles, truck chassis. These robots are designed to weld areas requiring heavy duty with a large amount of precision. We also provide training on these robotic fixture machines and teach you to use them effectively in your production line.
BIW is also known as Structural or Pre- Assembly welding represents the final phase in vehicle manufacturing.
Body in White is the sheet metal portion of the structure of the vehicle to which the other components will be married, i.e., engine, chassis, exterior, and interior trim.
We manufacture them in compliance with the demands of the OEMs for their biw welding requirements.
They are used in Body, Structural & Pre- Assembly Welding areas.
Automated spot welding systems ensure consistency and allow difficult spots to be welded. Despite their speed, these lines produce consistent results on a wide variety of materials.
We have in-house manufacturing facilities for all our products, thus eliminating delays and ensuring precision.